unsorted commands found while scouring notes from my old laptop

  • Burn Iso Image (old note haven‘t checked up on it yet)
    growisofs -dvd-compat -speed=2 -Z /dev/sr0=/home/user/image.iso

  • mono somebinary.exe Docker image (old note haven‘t checked, it‘s worked at least once, someday)
    1. mono somebinary.exe (Test if the binary works with mono)
    2. sudo docker build -t somebinary-dockerimage . (builds the container)
    3. sudo docker run somebinary-dockerimage (run the docker container to test it)
    4. sudo docker save -o ./somebinary-dockerimage.image somebinary-dockerimage (save the container to a file to upload to nas and start there.)

  • serial console
    screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

  • mount Iphone (another old note, but might be useful someday)
    ifuse <mountpoint>
    unmount <mountpoint

  • *keep a command running in background even if shell is closed:
    (( command &) &)

  • list the size of all directories and files in the current dir and sort (find where your filespace went)
    du -sh -- * | sort -h

  • some commands that I wrote down someday
    tracepath / mtr
    HTTPie / aria2c
    pv / progress

  • sshfs (mount a folder that you can reach via ssh into your filesystem)
    sshfs remotesystem:/path /mnt/mountpoint

    nice install instructions for mac os x (basically it’s brew cask install osxfuse and then brew install sshfs)

  • ssh port forwarding
    ssh -L 1337:localhost:1337 remotehost (or second hop instead of localhost)
    https://localhost:1337 (in a browser/app whatever)

  • wget one folder (old note haven‘t checked. guess –cut-dirs number has to be exactly how many 📂 hops in the url)
    wget -r -nH --cut-dirs=5 -np -R „index.html*“ -e robots=off

  • extract windows product key mounted system (old .txt don‘t know where I got it from and if it still works, but it proved useful once, for one of my systems that wouldn‘t boot anymore so I could reinstall using the same key - nowadays the key is in the bios anyway so not needed anymore)
    chntpw -e /path/to/windisk/Windows/System32/config/software
    dpi \Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DigitalProductId

  • (re)generate initrd (old note, I‘m sure there‘s more to it, but for reference and as a starting point)
    mkinitcpio -p linux

  • check your external ip address (there‘s a lot of ways right now and old note says this)
    curl http://bot.whatismyipaddress.com

  • rotate your screen (sometimes useful for reading in a4 on laptop)
    xrandr --output LVDS1 --rotate right
    xrandr --output LVDS1 --rotate normal

  • add a second ip address (even in a completely different range) to your card (often useful when configuring new devices which are in a different local lan address range than your stuff is.)
    ip address add dev wlp3s0
    to see that it worked you can use ip -o addr

  • copy to/from clipboard
    pbcopy < testfile.txt
    pbpaste >> somefile.txt

Seems like this is a mac kind of thing. to get the same behaviour on arch you have to install xsel pacman -S xsel and the include the following in your .zshrc:

alias pbcopy='xsel --clipboard --input'
alias pbpaste='xsel --clipboard --output'

found here

  • nice aur tool trizen -Ss string search for string in packagenames and descriptions trizen -S toolname install tool
    trizen -R toolname remove tool trizen -Syu update packages and aur installed aur stuff

  • resize images on mac terminal sips -Z 640 *.jpg resize all jpegs to 640 pixels (height or width whichever is bigger) overwriting the originals keeping aspect ratio sips -Z 1024 original.jpg -o original-1024.jpg same but only one image and not overwriting but making new file

  • convert image to webp on mac terminal brew install webp to get the command installed cwebp -q 50 somepic.jpg -o somepic.webp easy as that for quality 50% (warning no safari browser support as of yet (should come with big sur though) and no Internet Explorer but then again that’s a good thing :)

  • convert image to jpeg2000 on mac terminal sips -s format jp2 -s formatOptions 80 original.jpg -o destination.jp2 just realize those can only be seen on safari, no other browser support as far as I can see :/