to convert a bunch of docx to to a single pdf

  1. install unoconv and libreoffice via brew brew install unoconv and brew install libreoffice

  2. batch convert all the docx files to individual pdfs find . -name "*.docx" -exec unoconv {} \; found in this stackoverflow answer also works with *.odt or *.doc or any format that libreoffice can open for *.jpg use (imagemagic): find . -name "*.jpg" -exec convert {} -background white -density 72 -page a4 {}.pdf \;

  3. merge all the pdfs into one and create bookmarks for each with the filename using following python script (install PyPDF2 via pip install PyPDF2):

import os
import glob
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileMerger, PdfFileReader

merger = PdfFileMerger()

for pdf in sorted(glob.iglob('./**/*.pdf', recursive=True)):
    merger.append(PdfFileReader(pdf, "rb"), bookmark=pdf[:-4])
